Myanmar: Young people attempt to flee ahead of conscription order

Members of Myanmar's military security force patrol a street during a "silent strike" on the third anniversary of the military coup
Image caption,On 1 February, Myanmar entered its fourth year since the coup

By Kelly Ng

BBC News, Singapore

A deadly stampede outside a passport office that took two lives and unending lines outside embassies – these are just some examples of what has been happening in Myanmar since the announcement of mandatory conscription into the military.

Myanmar’s military government is facing increasingly effective opposition to its rule and has lost large areas of the country to armed resistance groups.

On 1 February 2021, the military seized power in a coup, jailing elected leaders and plunging much of the country into a bloody civil war that continues today. Thousands have been killed and the UN estimates that around 2.6 million people been displaced.Young Burmese, many of whom have played a leading role protesting and resisting the junta, are now told they will have to fight for the regime. Many believe that this is a result of the setbacks suffered by the military in recent months, with anti-government groups uniting to defeat them in some key areas.

“It is nonsense to have to serve in the military at this time, because we are not fighting foreign invaders. We are fighting each other. If we serve in the military, we will be contributing to their atrocities,” Robert, a 24-year-old activist, told the BBC.

Many of them are seeking to leave the country instead.

“I arrived at 03:30 [20:30 GMT] and there were already about 40 people queuing for the tokens to apply for their visa,” recalled a teenage girl who was part of a massive crowd outside the Thai embassy in Yangon earlier in February. Within an hour, the crowd in front of the embassy expanded to more than 300 people, she claims.

“I was scared that if I waited any longer, the embassy would suspend the processing of visas amid the chaos,” she told the BBC, adding that some people had to wait for three days before even getting a queue number.

In Mandalay, where the two deaths occurred outside the passport office, the BBC was told that there were also serious injuries – one person broke their leg after falling into a drain while another broke their teeth. Six others reported breathing difficulties.

People gathering outside the Thai embassy in Yangon on 16 Feb 2024
Image caption,People gathering outside the Thai embassy in Yangon

Justine Chambers, a Myanmar researcher at the Danish Institute of International Studies, says mandatory conscription is a way of removing young civilians leading the revolution.

“We can analyse how the conscription law is a sign of the Myanmar military’s weakness, but it is ultimately aimed at destroying lives… Some will manage to escape, but many will become human shields against their compatriots,” she said.

Myanmar’s conscription law was first introduced in 2010 but had not been enforced until on 10 February the junta said it would mandate at least two years of military service for all men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27.

Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, the spokesperson for the military government, said in a statement that about a quarter of the country’s 56 million population were eligible for military service under the law.

The regime later said it did not plan to include women in the conscript pool “at present” but did not specify what that meant.

The government spokesperson told BBC Burmese that call-ups would start after the Thingyan festival marking the Burmese New Year in mid-April, with an initial batch of 5,000 recruits.

The regime’s announcement has dealt yet another blow to Myanmar’s young people.

Many had their education disrupted by the coup, which came on top of school closures at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2021, the junta suspended 145,000 teachers and university staff over their support for the opposition, according to the Myanmar Teachers’ Federation, and some schools in opposition-held areas have been destroyed by the fighting or by air strikes.

Then there are those who have fled across borders seeking refuge, among them young people looking for jobs to support their families.

In response to the conscription law, some have said on social media that they would enter the monkhood or get married early to dodge military service.

The junta says permanent exemptions will be given to members of religious orders, married women, people with disabilities, those assessed to be unfit for military service and “those who are exempted by the conscription board”. For everyone else, evading conscription is punishable by three to five years in prison and a fine.

But Mr Min doubts the regime will honour these exemptions. “The junta can arrest and abduct anyone they want. There is no rule of law and they do not have to be accountable to anyone,” he said.

Wealthier families are considering moving their families abroad – Thailand and Singapore being popular options, but some are even looking as far afield as Iceland – with the hope that their children would get permanent residency or citizenship there by the time they are of conscription age.

Myanmar people step on photos of military junta leader, General Min Aung Hlaing, during a gathering marking three years since the coup
Image caption,Myanmar people step on photos of military junta leader Gen Min Aung Hlaing during a gathering marking three years since the coup

Others have instead joined the resistance forces, said Aung Sett, from the All Burma Federation of Student Unions, which has a long history of fighting military rule.

“When I heard the news that I would have to serve in the military, I felt really disappointed and at the same time devastated for the people, especially for those who are young like me. Many young people have now registered themselves to fight against the junta,” the 23-year-old told the BBC from exile.

Some observers say the enforcement of the law now reveals the junta’s diminishing grip on the country.

Last October, the regime suffered its most serious setback since the coup. An alliance of ethnic insurgents overran dozens of military outposts along the border with India and China. It has also lost large areas of territory to insurgents along the Bangladesh and Indian borders.

According to the National Unity Government, which calls itself Myanmar’s government in exile, more than 60% of Myanmar’s territory is now under the control of resistance forces.

“By initiating forced conscription following a series of devastating and humiliating defeats to ethnic armed organisations, the military is publicly demonstrating just how desperate it has become,” said Jason Tower, country director for the Burma programme at the United States’ Institute of Peace.

Mr Tower expects the move to fail because of growing resentment against the junta.

“Many youth dodging conscription will have no choice but to escape into neighbouring countries, intensifying regional humanitarian and refugee crises. This could result in frustration growing in Thailand, India, China and Bangladesh, all of which could tilt away from what remains of their support for the junta,” he said.

Even if the military does manage to increase troop numbers by force, this will do little to address collapsing morale in the ranks. It will also take months to train up the new troops, he said.

Protesters gather in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand
Image caption,Protesters gather in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand

The junta had a long history of “forced recruitment” even before the law was enacted, said Ye Myo Hein, a global fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

“So the law may merely serve as a facade for forcibly conscripting new recruits into the military. With a severe shortage of manpower, there is no time to wait for the lengthy and gradual process of recruiting new soldiers, prompting [officials] to exploit the law to swiftly coerce people into service,” he said.

Even for those who will manage to escape, many will carry injuries and emotional pain for the rest of their lives.

“It has been really difficult for young people in Myanmar, both physically and mentally. We’ve lost our dreams, our hopes and our youth. It just can’t be the same like before,” said Aung Sett, the student leader.

“These three years have gone away like nothing. We’ve lost our friends and colleagues during the fight against the junta and many families have lost their loved ones. It has been a nightmare for this country. We are witnessing the atrocities committed by the junta on a daily basis. I just can’t express it in words.”

Mobil Terbang 4 Penumpang Buatan Indonesia, SCBD Ke Bandara Soetta Cuma 8 Menit

Miniatur drone berkonsep mobil terbang buatan Vela Aero dengan PTDI. (Foto: PDTI)  Rakyat Merdeka – Mimpi memiliki mobil terbang bukan lagi khayalan. Indonesia bersiap menyambut era baru transportasi dengan hadirnya Vela Alpha, mobil terbang hasil kolaborasi PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) dan Vela Aero

Targetnya, mobil terbang dengan kapasitas empat penumpang dan satu pilot ini bisa beroperasi pada tahun 2028. Jika terealisasi, taksi terbang ini diklaim mampu menyingkat waktu tempuh secara signifikan dan menjadi solusi anti macet di masa depan.

Humas PTDI Anissa Carolina, mengaku optimis dengan kerjasama ini. Dia bilang, PTDI dan Vela Aero akan melakukan co-partnering dalam produksi air taxi tersebut dan pengembangan lanjutannya. 

“Untuk manufacturing-nya paling memungkinkan di fasilitas PTDI,” kata Annisa dikutip di website PTDI, Senin (26/2).

Sementara itu, Vela Aero di laman resminya menjelaskan bahwa saat ini mereka sedang dalam tahap finalisasi desain dan konfigurasi terbaru Alpha. 

“Pesawat tersebut rencananya akan disertifikasi oleh FAA dan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, dengan target memasuki layanan (entering into service/EIS) menjelang akhir 2028,” terang Vela Aera.

Untuk diketahui, Vela Alpha adalah sebuah eVTOL atau electric vertical take-off and landing dengan desain futuristik dan mampu menampung 1 pilot dan 4 penumpang. 

Mobil terbang listrik ini memiliki dimensi panjang 10,8 meter, rentang sayap 13,1 meter, dan tinggi 4,2 meter. mobil terbang ini dibekali daya 216 kWh (full electric) atau 71 kWh (hybrid). 

Kecepatannya mencapai 250 km per jam dengan jangkauan 100 km (full electric) atau 500 km (hybrid).

Kerjasama antara PTDI dan Vela Aero dalam proyek ini merupakan komitmen kedua pihak untuk menghadirkan solusi mobilitas masa depan yang lebih efisien dan ramah lingkungan. 

PTDI menyediakan tempat produksi, pembuatan prototipe, dan pengujian, sedangkan Vela Aero bertanggung jawab atas desain dan teknologi.

Proses sertifikasi sedang berlangsung, dengan uji laik terbang telah diajukan ke Direktorat Kelaikudaraan dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara (DKPPU) Kemenhub. Target sertifikasi dari FAA dan Ditjen Perhubungan Udara diharapkan selesai pada akhir 2028.

Vela Alpha diyakini memiliki banyak potensi dan manfaat. Selain sebagai solusi anti macet, mobil terbang ini dapat mempercepat waktu tempuh, meningkatkan konektivitas antar wilayah, dan membuka peluang bisnis baru.

Sebelumnya, mobil terbang buatan Indonesia ini sempat mejeng Singapore Airshow 2024. Menteri Perhubungan (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi sempat berkunjung ke booth PTDI turut menyampaikan dukungannya saat melihat miniatur Vela Alpha ini.

“Semoga proses pengajuan uji laik terbang untuk Vela Alpha dapat berjalan dengan lancar,” kata Menhub Budi Karya.

Di kanal YouTube Vela Aero, drone berkonsep mobil terbang ini diklaim bisa mengantarkan penumpang dari pusat kota Jakarta menuju Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta di Tangerang hanya dalam 8 menit. Kecepatan itu melebihi durasi tempuh kereta bandara yang berkisar 44 menit.

Bangladesh’s critically endangered Asian elephants get court protection

An Asian elephant in Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s critically endangered wild elephants have received a court order banning their adoption and protecting them from exploitation.

Animal rights groups welcomed the High Court suspension of all licences, so young Asian elephants can no longer be captured and taken into captivity.

Some of the animals have been used for begging, circuses or street shows.

There are now only about 200 of the elephants in Bangladesh, with about half of those living in captivity.

The country used to be one of the major homes for the Asian elephant but poaching and habitat loss has caused a marked decrease in their numbers.


Under the previous scheme, young elephants could be taken into captivity where the forestry department issued licenses to logging groups who would use the animals to haul logs. Others ended up in circus groups. Such exploitation broke the terms of the licences, the court said.

Rakibul Haque Emil, head of animal rights group People for Animal Welfare (PAW) Foundation in Bangladesh, said it was a “landmark order”.

“In this name of training elephants, private licensees including circus parties brutally separate elephant calves from their mother, shackle them for months and then torture them to teach tricks,” he said.

He said it was now hoped that captive elephants could be rehabilitated.

Actor Jaya Ahsan launched the legal case alongside PAW, and said he hoped it would be the end of harsh “training” that could be inflicted on the animals.

A spotlight was shone on the issue last year when a young elephant was killed by a train after being used for begging on the streets. They are often painted in bright colours and forced to perform tricks by their captors.

And in 2019 two emaciated elephants were rescued by police after being used for roadside begging.

Akbar Tandjung Puji Keberhasilan Airlangga Dongkrak Suara Golkar Di Pemilu 2024

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto dan Ketua Dewan Kehormatan Partai Golkar Akbar Tanjung. (Foto: Instagram/kabargolkar)  Rakyat Merdeka – Ketua Dewan Kehormatan Partai Golkar Akbar Tandjung menyampaikan selamat kepada Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto yang berhasil menaikkan perolehan suara partai di Pemilu 2024.

Ucapan selamat itu disampaikan secara langsung oleh Akbar kepada Airlangga dalam sebuah pertemuan di Jakarta, Minggu (25/2).

Akbar yang tampil mengenakan kemeja warna kuning bermotif wayang kulit menyalami Airlangga. Sambil berdiri, mantan Ketua Umum Partai Golkar ini memberi selamat kepada penerusnya yang berhasil mengembalikan kejayaan partai beringin.

“Selamat kepada Saudara Airlangga, Ketua Umum Partai Golkar. Saya sebagai Dewan Kehormatan Partai Golkar bersyukur, Airlangga telah berhasil menaikkan perolehan suara dengan kursi Partai Golkar dalam Pemilu 2024,” ucap Akbar.

Airlangga lalu menjawab ucapan Akbar dengan balik memuji keberhasilan seniornya itu ketika memegang tampuk pimpinan Golkar.

“Setelah zaman Pak Akbar, ini terbaik. Karena gedung pemenangan Pemilu namanya Gedung Pak Akbar Tandjung,” tandasnya.

Update terakhir real count KPU, per pukul 16.00 WIB, Minggu (25/2), Golkar berada di posisi kedua suara terbanyak dengan perolehan 15,1 persen atau 11.208.373 suara.

Sementara di peringkat pertama, masih dikuasai oleh PDIP dengan raihan 16,53 persen atau 12.269.950 suara.

Di posisi ketiga adalah Partai Gerindra. Partai yang dipimpin oleh Capres nomor urut 2 Prabowo Subianto ini membukukan 13,37 persen atau 9.919.207 suara.

Disusul PKB di urutan keempat dengan torehan 11,66 persen atau 8.649.630 suara. Lalu posisi kelima NasDem 9,45 persen atau 7.011.490 suara. Keenam PKS 7,51 persen atau 5.573.279 suara dan ketujuh Demokrat dengan 7,43 persen

5.513.996 suara.

Sementara di posisi ke delapan adalah PAN 6,97 persen atau 5.172.638 suara dan urutan kesembilan PPP 4,05 persen atau 3.002.119 suara.

Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan sementara KPU itu, kesembilan partai tersebut berpeluang lolos ke parlemen karena memenuhi ambang batas parlemen atau parliamentary treshold yakni 4 persen.

Hingga pukul 16.00 WIB hari ini, sudah 64,19 persen tempat pemungutan suara (TPS) masuk dari total 823.236 TPS di seluruh Indonesia.

The blind Ukrainian amputee whose wife’s voice kept him alive

Serhiy and his wife in front of a city skyline

By Keiligh Baker

BBC News

As Serhiy slowly began to regain consciousness in his hospital bed in Kyiv, he realised he couldn’t see, speak, or feel his legs – but he could hear his wife Valeria’s voice. Comforted, he lost consciousness again.

It was a pattern that lasted weeks. The severely injured Ukrainian soldier would wake up to darkness and panic, unable to communicate because of the tube down his throat – but every time he heard Valeria, he settled down.

“That’s what kept me fighting,” he tells the BBC’s Ukrainecast podcast.

“Until then, I only had nightmares. Terrible dreams in which I was being demolished, destroyed, chewed over – and then the light in regaining consciousness was her voice… Because I wanted to come back to her. To fight through this, to be with her.”

Serhiy, 27, suffered catastrophic injuries when his vehicle hit a Russian anti-tank mine on Ukraine’s frontline near Mariinka, nine months after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of his country.


As a soldier already serving before the war, he had been thrown straight into the thick of the fighting from its first day, in February 2022. He often went weeks without speaking to Valeria, who remained in their home city of Kyiv.

Serhiy pictured in military clothing
Image caption,Serhiy pictured before his injuries

He was travelling with seven other soldiers on November 2022 when the vehicle was hit. The force of the blast broke his spine, pelvis, nose, eye sockets, gave him an open-skull brain injury, severe burns to his face and body, fractured his thigh and blew off both his lower legs. The flames from the blast cauterised his wounds, inadvertently saving his life.

He can’t remember anything from that day – but Valeria will never forget it.

“I didn’t expect he would come back from the war with both his legs,” Valeria says. “But even I wasn’t prepared for the extent of his wounds when I saw him.”

“My first thought was just relief that he was alive because, by the description of what happened to him, it was not clear that he would ever regain consciousness. So I went to the hospital and I saw my beloved, full of different tubes, totally unresponsive. And that was scariest part.”

Serhiy and his wife, Valeria, before his injuries

Serhiy regained consciousness after 20 days in a coma. He then spent another week in intensive care, another two weeks in the traumatic injuries unit and then months in rehabilitation.

He has a stoic approach to his injuries, and says that, for him, losing two legs is better than losing one arm. Valeria takes a similarly pragmatic approach: “A blind, legless husband – it’s not so bad,” she laughs, adding that as a former dentist she’s just relieved he didn’t lose his teeth.

Last week, after travelling to the US in the hope of saving a fraction of the sight in his remaining eye, he was told the devastating news that it couldn’t be saved – that he had fully lost his eyesight.

Although the couple were disappointed, they remain hopeful for the future and Serhiy now wants to spend his life advocating for and helping his fellow injured soldiers.

“I have so many plans that one lifetime isn’t enough for all of it,” he says. “I definitely will go back to Ukraine. That’s my country. I fought for it. I sustained [my] wounds for it.”

Serhiy in front of water
Image caption,Serhiy has vowed to launch organisations that help injured veterans

He plans to launch two organisations, he says, both aimed at helping wounded veterans, including one to build infrastructure for their life after the war.

Both Ukraine and Russia refuse to release figures of their wounded and dead soldiers, but US officials, quoted by the New York Times, put the number at 70,000 dead and as many as 120,000 injured, as of August 2023.

While Serhiy maintains that his injuries haven’t changed him, Valeria disagrees.

“He has become more responsible. He was responsible before, but it was his family, his military unit,” she explains.

Parade Baju Adat Indonesia Ramaikan Hari Kebangsaan Ke-40 Brunei Darussalam

Parade baju adat nusantara ikut meramaikan parade peringatan Hari Kebangsaan ke-40 Negara Brunei Darussalam yang berlangsung di Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah, Bandar Seri Begawan, Sabtu (24/2/2024). (Foto: Ist)  Rakyat Merdeka – Parade baju adat nusantara ikut meramaikan parade peringatan Hari Kebangsaan ke-40 Negara Brunei Darussalam yang berlangsung di Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah, Bandar Seri Begawan, Sabtu (24/2/2024).

Duta Besar RI untuk Brunei Darussalam, Achmad Ubaedillah, mengungkapkan, seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, masyarakat Indonesia di Brunei turut berpartisipasi dalam perayaan tersebut diwakili oleh Persatuan Masyarakat Indonesia (PERMAI) bekerja sama dengan KBRI Bandar Seri Begawan.

Peserta parade Indonesia tahun ini diikuti oleh 70 orang peserta, yang 29 orang peserta diantaranya mengenakan baju adat dari daerah-daerah di Indonesia yang berbeda.

“Ini pertama kali bagi saya untuk hadir dan menyaksikan perayaan Hari Kebangsaan Brunei dan saya sangat bangga dengan komunitas Indonesia yang selalu aktif meramaikan kegiatan-kegiatan di Brunei, termasuk perayaan ini. Sangat terlihat bahwa masyarakat Indonesia diterima dengan baik oleh Pemerintah dan masyarakat Brunei”, ujar Ubaedillah yang hadir didampingi Ibu Siti Rif’ah. Turut menyaksikan barisan parade Indonesia dari tribun kehormatan bersama Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah dan para Duta Besar dari negara-negara sahabat.

Keragaman kostum yang dikenakan oleh peserta parade Indonesia ini menarik perhatian orang-orang yang hadir dalam perayaan tersebut, terlihat dengan banyaknya khalayak ramai yang meminta kesempatan untuk mengambil swafoto dengan peserta berbaju adat di sela-sela kegiatan parade.

Acara parade tersebut termasuk dalam rangkaian kegiatan dalam rangka perayaan Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam yang jatuh pada tanggal 23 Februari. Tahun ini, perayaan Hari Kebangsaan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 Februari 2024.

Berbeda dengan perayaan-perayaan sebelumnya yang dilaksanakan di pusat kota Bandar Seri Begawan, perayaan Hari Kebangsaan kali ini diselenggarakan di Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah, Bandar Seri Begawan, agar dapat menampung lebih banyak peserta.

Peringatan Hari Kebangsaan ke-40 Brunei ini diikuti oleh lebih dari 10 ribu orang termasuk di antaranya adalah keluarga kerajaan, pejabat dan staf pemerintahan beserta keluarga, masyarakat umum, dan para tamu kehormatan dari perwakilan negara asing di Brunei.

Selain itu, tercatat sebanyak 163 barisan peserta parade yang terdiri dari dari militer, polisi, pemerintah, swasta, sekolah serta komunitas lokal dan asing. Selain Indonesia, komunitas asing yang mengikuti parade kali ini adalah Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand, dan Pakistan.

Intuitive Machines: Odysseus Moon lander ‘tipped over on touchdown’

Image caption,Steve Altemus, CEO of Intuitive Machines, describes what he thinks happened during landing
Jonathan Amos, Science correspondent

By Jonathan Amos

Science correspondent


The Odysseus Moon lander is likely lying on its side with its head resting against a rock.

The US spacecraft, which made history on Thursday by becoming the first ever privately built and operated robot to complete a soft lunar touchdown, is otherwise in good condition.

Its owner, Texan firm Intuitive Machines, says Odysseus has plenty of power and is communicating with Earth.

Controllers are trying to retrieve pictures from the robot.

Steve Altemus, the CEO and co-founder of IM, said it wasn’t totally clear what had happened but the data suggested the robot caught a foot on the surface and then fell because it still had some lateral motion at the moment of landing.


Another possibility is that Odysseus broke a leg as it came down. Certainly, inertial measurement sensors indicate the body of the vehicle to be in a horizontal pose.

Whatever the reason for the unexpected landed configuration, radio antennas are still pointing at Earth and solar cells continue to collect energy to charge the battery system.

Fortuitously, all the scientific instruments that planned to take observations on the Moon are on the side of Odysseus facing up, which should allow them to do some work. The only payload on the “wrong side” of the lander, pointing down at the lunar surface, is a static art project.

“We’re hopeful to get pictures and really do an assessment of the structure and assessment of all the external equipment,” Mr Altemus told reporters.

“So far, we have quite a bit of operational capability even though we’re tipped over. And so that’s really exciting for us, and we are continuing the surface operations mission as a result of it.”

Odysseus looks at the Moon
Image caption,Odysseus took this photo on approach some 10km above the surface

The robot had been directed to a cratered terrain near the Moon’s south pole, and the IM team believes it got very close to the targeted site, perhaps within 2km or 3km.

A US space agency satellite called the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will search for Odysseus this weekend to confirm its whereabouts.

The IM mission is part of Nasa’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) programme, in which the agency is paying various private American companies for cargo services to the Moon – in the case of Odysseus with a fee of $118M (£93m).

All the companies are responsible for the financing, build, launch and operation of their spacecraft – and for finding commercial payloads to supplement Nasa’s.

Six CLPS missions were planned for this year. The first, by Pittsburgh-based firm Astrobotic, ended in failure. Its Peregrine lander developed technical problems en route to the Moon and gave up the opportunity of a touchdown. The robot was brought back to burn up in Earth’s atmosphere.

Artwork: Odysseus
Image caption,Artwork: How Odysseus should look on the Moon – except it’s likely on its side

Intuitive Machines has two further missions in prospect for 2024. The next will see a robot drill into the surface. Another Texan company, Firefly Aerospace, should also shoot for the Moon at some point in the coming months.

Nasa regards the CLPS approach as a more economical way of getting its science done, while at the same time seeding what it hopes will become a thriving lunar economy.

Joel Kearns, from the agency’s science mission directorate, described the Odysseus landing as a “gigantic accomplishment”, and an affirmation of the CLPS policy.

Irrespective of its current functionality, Odysseus is unlikely to work much beyond the beginning of March when darkness will fall on the landing site.

“Once the Sun sets on ‘Oddie’, the batteries will attempt to keep the vehicle warm and alive but eventually it’ll fall into a deep cold and then the electronics that we produce just won’t survive the deep cold of lunar night. And so, best case scenario, we’re looking at another nine to 10 days (of operations),” said Tim Crain, IM’s CTO and co-founder.

Bamsoet Dorong Indonesia Miliki Aturan Perlindungan Hukum Investasi NFT  Rakyat Merdeka – Ketua MPR sekaligus Dosen Pascasarjana Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan) dan Universitas Borobudur Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) menekankan pentingnya Indonesia memiliki peraturan hukum yang jelas untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap investasi NonFungible Token (NFT). NFT merupakan aset digital dengan sistem blockchain yang berguna sebagai sertifikat kepemilikan. Pada umumnya, NFT berwujud karya seni, mulai dari animasi, lukisan, desain 3D, musik, item dalam game, hingga benda lain yang bisa dikoleksi.

Hal itu disampaikan Bamsoet saat menjadi penguji dalam Seminar Usulan Riset Mahasiswa Program Doktor Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Muhammad Ilman Abidin, dengan judul “Urgensi Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Investasi NFT sebagai Komoditi Digital dalam rangka Pembaruan Hukum Indonesia”, secara virtual dari Jakarta, Jumat (23/2). Turut hadir antara lain, Ketua Sidang Prof Huala Adolf, Ketua Promotor Prof Ahmad M Ramli, dan Anggota Promotor Laina Rafianti. Hadir pula para Oponen Ahli antara lain Prof Sinta Dewi, Agung Hartoyo, dan Tasya Safiranita.

“Menurut data Cryptoslam, secara global penjualan NFT mencapai sekitar 8,70 miliar dolar AS atau sekitar Rp 134,7 triliun. Menurut Statista Digital Economy Compass 2022, Thailand memimpin sebagai negara dengan jumlah pengguna NFT tertinggi di dunia, yakni 5,65 juta pada 2021. Sedangkan Indonesia masuk di urutan kedelapan, dengan jumlah 1,25 juta pengguna,” ujar Bamsoet.

Ketua DPR ke-20 ini menjelaskan, jika diberikan perlindungan hukum yang jelas, keberadaan NFT bisa dijadikan sumber pendapatan baru bagi para pembuat konten maupun seniman. Khususnya bagi para generasi muda dengan tingkat kreativitas yang tinggi, pasti bisa menghasilkan sebuah karya hebat yang bisa dijual melalui NFT. Terlebih dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi informasi, target pasar yang bisa didapat tak hanya dari dalam negeri saja. Melainkan bisa diakses oleh berbagai orang dari seluruh penjuru negara dunia.

“Pada Januari 2022, dunia pernah dihebohkan oleh Justin Bieber yang memiliki NFT gambar kera, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) seharga 1,3 juta dolar AS dalam bentuk Ethereum atau sekitar Rp 19,4 miliar. Begitu pun di Indonesia, nilai akumulasi mutasi transaksi NFT Ghazali ‘Everyday‘ dikabarkan mencapai Rp 3,1 triliun dengan pendapatan yang diterima Ghazali diperkirakan mencapai Rp 1,7 miliar,” jelas Bamsoet.

Ketua Dewan Pembina Perhimpunan Alumni Doktor Ilmu Hukum Unpad ini menerangkan, dirinya juga pernah ikut meramaikan dunia NFT, dengan menjual NFT 1 video kecelakaannya bersama Sean Gelael saat mengikuti eksebisi dalam Kejurnas Meikarta Sprint Rally 2021 di Sirkuit Meikarta. Laku terjual 5,0943 ETH atau sekitar 15.815 dolar AS, setara Rp 246,679 juta di platform OpenSea.

“Contoh lainnya, Argo dan Jubi, yang berprofesi sebagai fotografer dan ilustrator dari Bandung, berhasil mengembangkan NFT-nya, Etherwaifu. Di tahun 2021, mereka sukses menjual 1.025 lukisan digitalnya dengan transaksi mencapai 2,3 juta dolar AS atau sekitar Rp 33 miliar,” pungkas Bamsoet.

Alia Bhatt: Britain’s biggest Bollywood star taking on Hollywood

Alia Bhatt

By Noor Nanji

Culture reporter

Alia Bhatt might just be the biggest celebrity you’ve never heard of.

At the age of 30, she has become a megastar in Bollywood. For certain people (your writer includes herself among them), she’s one of the hottest names out there.

If you’re not into Indian films, you’ve had no real reason to know her. Until recently, that is.

Last year, Bhatt made her Hollywood debut. All of a sudden, she was introduced to a global audience.

Now, she’s backing a new drama series about wildlife crime.


“People have the power to make a difference, whether it’s in this industry or any other,” she tells BBC News.

Alia Bhatt With Her Mother Soni Razdan
Image caption,Bhatt’s mother is also an actress

Bhatt was born into a Bollywood family, to a film-maker father and an actress mother.

Her mother, Soni Razdan, was born in Birmingham, England, and Bhatt describes herself as British.

In an interview with Wired last year, she answered the most googled questions about her, one of which was: “Is she British?” Bhatt responded with a resounding yes.

Bhatt had her first leading role at the age of 18, and has starred in dozens of Hindi films since then.

She now lives in Mumbai with her actor husband, Ranbir Kapoor, and their one-year-old daughter.

The pair are one of Bollywood’s power couples. It’s an industry that has always been ruled by family dynasties.

Alia Bhatt, Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan
Image caption,Bhatt starred alongside Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan last year

Bhatt starred in 2023 romantic comedy Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, which was a smash hit at the box office.

Weeks later, she appeared alongside Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot and 50 Shades actor Jamie Dornan in Netflix’s Heart of Stone, which got mixed reviews.

But it took Bhatt into directions that other Bollywood stars have never gone – for instance, Shah Rukh Khan, also known as the “King of Bollywood”, has never ventured into Hollywood despite having fans around the world.

Alia Bhatt
Image caption,Bhatt turned heads at a London screening last week

We meet in a fancy hotel in Mayfair. Bhatt is wearing a black velvet Sabyasachi saree. (Again, if you know, you know. Sabyasachi is one of the most sought-after fashion designers in India.)

Bhatt is in London to attend a preview of Poacher, the new crime drama series she is executive producing. Based on true events, the series tells the story of the largest ivory poaching ring in India.

A worldwide ban on ivory sales came into effect in 1989. But elephant poaching is still a major problem globally, fuelled by demand for ivory in parts of the world where it is seen as a luxury status symbol.

More than 40 elephants a day are killed for their tusks, according to a 2020 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Bhatt, who is an animal lover, was asked to get involved in the series by its director Richie Mehta.

“He showed me a couple of episodes, and I wanted more,” she says. “I’m just a lover of cinema or content in general that has the power to influence and really move you emotionally and physically.”

Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor (R) and Alia Bhatt pose for pictures during their wedding ceremony in Mumbai on April 14, 2022.
Image caption,Bhatt famously reused her wedding saree

This is not the first time Bhatt has lent her voice to the cause of sustainability and conservation.

She has launched her own sustainable clothing brand, and last year she earned praise for re-wearing her wedding saree. She has also championed animal welfare before.

“We have to somehow as a society create our own conscience, things we want to passionately speak about, passionately support,” she says.

“I’ve always said I don’t have the answers but I have the questions,” she adds. “I’m not saying I do everything right, but there’s something within me that wants to know more.”

Alia Bhatt at the Met Gala
Image caption,Bhatt was among the stars at the 2023 Met Gala in New York

In Poacher’s opening scene, an elephant is shot dead, killed for its tusks.

It’s “upsetting” to watch, admits Bhatt. “But it should be upsetting, that’s when the stakes become really high.”

Mehta, an Emmy Award-winning director, adds that this is very much an international problem, affecting the UK too.

“If you pass through Heathrow Airport, when you’re waiting at customs, you see signs of what they’ve seized, the contraband they’ve seized. And it’s immense. It’s happening all the time,” he says.

Bollywood, India’s hugely popular Hindi film industry, produces hundreds of movies every year and has a massive following among Indians globally. The sway the films and the stars have on their fans’ imaginations cannot be overstated.

But it is often described as a man’s world.

It’s something that’s been talked about for a long time, with a study last year showing just how little gender equality there is – both on and off screen.

Over the years, many Bollywood films have been criticised for being regressive, promoting misogyny and gender biases.

Bhatt, who has made a career out of playing various troubled women – from a sex worker to a kidnapping victim – is keen to stress things are changing when it comes to representation in Bollywood.

She points to Poacher, which has a female protagonist, a forest officer called Mala Jogi, at the heart of its story.

Mala – played by Nimisha Sajayan – didn’t actually exist in real life, but Mehta added her in when writing the series.

“So here we have Nimisha at the heart of the show playing Mala Jogi, being absolutely outstanding, heroic, and doing all those things you’d see a man do, which you’re seeing a woman doing the same thing,” says Bhatt.

As for Bhatt herself, she has often been described as a trailblazer for up-and-coming young women in Bollywood and beyond.

“I would like to lead by example,” she says, “and be led by example, like we have been in this case.”

Alhamdulillah Tak Ada Korban

Eskalator Naik Tiba-Tiba Turun Di Stasiun Manggarai, KAI Commuter Minta Maaf  Rakyat Merdeka – PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia atau KAI Commuter menyampaikan permohonan maaf atas insiden eskalator di Stasiun Manggarai, Jakarta yang viral di media sosial. KAI Commuter memastikan, tidak ada korban dalam kejadian tersebut.

“KAI Commuter memohon maaf atas kendala layanan pengguna Commuter Line di Stasiun Manggarai pada Rabu, 21 Februari 2024 sekitar pukul 18.06 WIB,” kata External Relations & Corporate Image Care KAI Commuter, Leza Arlan dalam keterangan resminya, Kamis (22/2/2024).

Leza menjelaskan, kendala layanan itu diakibatkan oleh tidak normalnya operasional eskalator di Stasiun Manggarai. Sehingga, menyebabkan terganggunya flow pengguna yang akan menuju peron 11 dan 12.

Kejadian bermula pada salah satu eskalator di hall lantai 1, yang mengarah ke peron 11-12 Stasiun Manggarai. Eskalator yang normalnya mengarah ke atas menuju peron, secara tiba-tiba bergerak berbalik ke arah bawah. Sehingga, beberapa pengguna yang saat itu sedang berada di eskalator menuju ke arah peron, terjatuh.

Beruntung, petugas pengamanan yang berjaga di sekitar eskalator, sigap membantu pengguna yang terjatuh.

“Agar tidak terjadi hal serupa, KAI Commuter menutup eskalator tersebut dan berkoordinasi dengan Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian (DJKA), dalam hal ini Balai Teknik Perkeretaapian (BTP) Kelas 1 Jakarta, untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan dan perbaikan eskalator,” papar Leza.

Selain fasilitas eskalator dan lift yang diperuntukkan bagi pengguna prioritas untuk menuju peron 11 dan 12, Stasiun Manggarai juga menyesuaikan fasilitas tangga manual di sisi selatan dan di tengah hall lantai 1 stasiun.

KAI Commuter mengajak pengguna yang masih mampu menaiki tangga manual, untuk menggunakannya saat hendak  menuju peron atau sebaliknya.

“KAI Commuter juga mengimbau untuk selalu mengutamakan keselamatan, dengan selalu mengikuti arahan dan informasi dari petugas di stasiun,” pungkas Leza.